2020. 2. 15. 19:49ㆍ카테고리 없음
'.' NAME: Logon.Vbs' AUTHOR: Robert Collewijn' DATE: 29-3-2001' COMMENT: This Script is for making network and printer connections.'
Technet Mstsc
Place this script in the following directory.' %WinDir%System32ReplImportScripts'.Option Explicit' On Error Resume Next'. Define Script title.Dim sVersion, sTitleLng, sTitleSht, vFileName, vPositie, vNamesVersion = ' v1.5' ' Define VersionsTitleLng = 'R.Collewijn - Hardware Diagnostic' ' Define Long titlesTitleSht = 'Hardware Diagnostic' ' Define Short titlevFileName = Wscript.ScriptName ' Script Name difinerenvPositie = InStrRev(vName, '.'
When users make an attempt to uninstall the client for Microsoft networks in the properties of a, they come across an Error Code 0x80071779. Whereas mstscax.dll message may show while using Remote Desktop Protocol for remote connections in Windows 10. However, Microsoft mentioned mstscax.dll error and 0x80071779 problems in KB articles along with their solutions. How to Fix mstscax.dll error 0x80071779 in Windows 10 Error 0x80071779 in Windows 10When the administrator of Windows 10 version 1803 based device tries to uninstall the client for Microsoft networks through the network properties, they come across this specific issue. Probably a few numbers of users may need to perform this uninstallation in order to remove Microsoft networks.Fix Through PowerShellYou can use the PowerShell cmdlet Disable-NetAdapterBinding to dispel the protocol.